Two writers and book lovers sit down to talk about the books, podcasts, and quotes that are inspiring them! Jung and Jungian writers, archetypes, history, and fiction of all kinds feature heavily --with some detours into the unseen worlds! Music is provided by Jay Redelsperger.

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Episode 13 | The Wizard of Oz and other tales
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Jay wanted to talk about "The Wizard of Oz" and so we did. This led us into a discussion about the importance of fairy tales and to my book recommendations for the month which are all by Marie-Louise von Franz. Begin with "The Interpretation of Fairy Tales" and then read all of her other books that deal with these stories. She was a great master in understanding their psychological importance. On the music side, Jay did not come up with any songs to match our conversation but I have one---his song, "Lead me to Gardens". It was featured in the last episode and is one of my favourites. You should all listen and share it with friends. You can find it on Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, YouTube and all other music platforms. He is very talented and his music is sublime.

Thursday May 11, 2023
Episode 12 | Dreams and Dream Interpretation
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
In this episode, Béa and Jay explore the subject of dreams and how to approach them. The books mentioned include: "The Way of the Dream", Marie-Louise von Franz; "Dreams", CG Jung [Bollingen]; "Inner Work", Robert A. Johnson. The song featured in this episode is a new release by Jay---"Lead me to Gardens". You can find it on all music distribution platforms and on YouTube here:
Lead Me To Gardens - YouTube

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Episode 11 | Mystery
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
Books discussed in this episode: The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels; The Gnostic Jung, Stephan Hoeller; Answer to Job, CG Jung. Music: Sigur Rós, Björk, Radiohead. Béa laments the burning of the library at Alexandria and Jay explores the notion of mystery and how it applies to music. Song: This 'Ol World from Jay's album, Harvesting James. You can find Jay's music on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and all other music distribution services.

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Episode 10 | Visit to the Underworld
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
In this episode, Béa and Jay explore the concept of the descent through the book recommended: The Descent of the Goddess by Sylvia Brinton Perera. Is the descent necessary? What does it entail? What does a descent look like when you choose to go willingly?

Monday Mar 13, 2023
Gatherings Episode 9 |Books and Music you Need in your Life
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
In this episode, Béa and Jay discuss what they love the most--books and music. Both make recommendations for books/music you must read/listen to and why; books/music they are currently reading and listening to; and how this is all translating creatively. Themes that come up are: shadow work, the Apollonian and the Dionysian in music and how a book can change the course of your life. The song used in this episode is "The Gathering" from Jay's new [as yet untitled] album.
Links from the Episode [used books]
Books Recommendations:
Meeting the Shadow, Connie Zweig
Pedro Páramo, Juan Rulfo
Music Recommendations:
Beatles, Revolver
The Doors , Albums: The Doors, Strange Days
Other books/music mentioned:
The Call of Destiny, J. Gary Sparks
One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Márquez
Gabriel García Márquez – A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings | Genius
Angel Olsen
the Moth and the Flame
Link to Jay's GOFUNDME campaign: Fundraiser by Jay Redelsperger : Fund my 2nd album. (
Link to Béa's new novel on Invocation: Gonzalez, Béa: 9781738762309: Books
on Barnes and Noble: Invocation by Béa Gonzalez, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® (

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Gatherings | Episode 8 | The Sophia Journey
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
In this episode, Jay interviews Béa about the SophiaCycles project --- the group that has been running for fifteen years. They discuss how it was formed and why, the importance of dream interpretation to the group, the public program that will launch in April, and how to set up a similar group for those who may be interested. We also discuss something that has troubled us for some time---who "owns" Jung? Is it all about the theory, or do our inner worlds matter most? The song used in this episode is "Feels like Green" from Jay's album, "Harvesting James."

Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Gatherings | Episode 7 | Art and the Unconscious
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
In this episode, Béa and Jay explore the "anxiety of influence" by looking at those writers and musicians who have inspired them. They also discuss what works survive the test of time and why. Finally, they also explain how their own artistic work has changed over time and what recurring themes they see appearing there. The song featured in this episode is "And the Angels now are Singing" from Jay's album "Harvesting James." Jay has a GOFUNDME campaign running to fund new music. If you like his work, please consider donating at Fundraiser by Jay Redelsperger : Fund my 2nd album. ( Béa's new novel is called Invocation and you can find information about it here: Bea Gonzalez Sophiacycles

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Gatherings | Episode 6 | The Path of Individuation
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Tuesday Jan 24, 2023
Béa and Jay explore the individuation process using the film “The King of California” and the novel “Don Quijote” as examples of what this journey looks like. They also discuss Joseph Campbell’s hero’s journey and how misunderstandings have been created around what that means. Other works mentioned include: “Searching for Sugarman” “Star Wars” and “The Matrix.”
Song: Hippie with a Cellphone from Jay's album, “Harvesting James”.
If you like Jay’s music, please visit his GoFundMe page where he is raising money to go back into the studio and make more of it. Here is the link: Fundraiser by Jay Redelsperger : Fund my 2nd album. (
Béa has a new novel out and if you like what is discussed here, you might find it of interest. All the information can be found here: Bea Gonzalez Sophiacycles

Monday Jan 16, 2023
Gatherings | Episode 5 | Examining the Shadow
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Béa and Jay explore the concept of the shadow and how it appears in our lives. They examine the difficulties encountered by people living in a culture that does not match their orientation as extraverts/introverts. They also discuss how the shadow shows up during the mid-life transition. Other subjects: the body in exile, music as a form of catharsis and how to approach the third act. Works mentioned: The Stages of Life, CG Jung; Once Upon a Mid-life, Allan B. Chinen; Owning your own Shadow, Robert A. Johnson; A Little Book on the Human Shadow, Robert Bly; The Moonlit Path: Reflections on the Dark Feminine, Fred Gustafson. Song: I Never Asked, Jay Redelsperger from the album "Harvesting James".

Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Gatherings | Episode 4 | Decoding the Mysteries of Romantic Love
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
In this episode, Jay and Béa tackle the thorny issue of romantic love and its many facets. Works mentioned include: He, She, We by Robert A Johnson and The Eden Project, James Hollis. They weave their way through notions of love as they emerged during the Middle Ages through the Celtic myths--in particular, Tristan and Isolde, and in the tradition of courtly love. Did romantic love play a role in the development of the individual in the West as Joseph Campbell argued? How do we transform these feelings of longing so relationships are not burdened with unrealistic expectations? They then explore the many shapes the anima and animus take and explore how these figures have appeared and matured in their own work.